The Dream Protocol

(Descent #1)

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Erscheinungstermin 20.04.2016 | Archivierungsdatum 06.09.2016

Zum Inhalt

WHATEVER YOU DO, DON’T GET OLD. In fiery young Deirdre Callaghan’s home of Skellig City, no one has dreamt their own dream in over a thousand years. Dreams are produced by the Dream Makers and sold by the Ministry, the tyrannical rulers of the city. In Skellig City, years of life are awarded equally and the ruined are cast away beneath the city on their 35th birthday.

Unbeknownst to the Ministry, Deirdre’s handsome friend Flynn Brennan is afflicted with a terrible disease – a disease that accelerates the aging process. Knowing his fate if the Ministry should ever discover his illness, Flynn has lived his whole life hiding from their watchful eyes. When Flynn’s secret is finally discovered, Deirdre is determined to free him from the Ministry’s grasp. But to save him, she will have to reveal herself to a shadowy enemy…one that none of them even knew existed.

WHATEVER YOU DO, DON’T GET OLD. In fiery young Deirdre Callaghan’s home of Skellig City, no one has dreamt their own dream in over a thousand years. Dreams are produced by the Dream Makers and...


"I may have a bit of a case of cover lust. The Dream Protocol: Descent has a cover that borders somewhere between steampunk and whimsical, which makes my heart happy. Add in a synopsis that sounds delicious, and you have a book that I think definitely needs a space on your TBR list." -Jessica of Hopelessbibliophile Blog

"Breathtaking action and spellbinding suspense! With brisk prose and fluid pacing, Adara will keep you reading late into the night. These teens are rebels with a cause in classic dystopian fashion." -Parker Geissel, author of The Fell Hound of Adversity

"I may have a bit of a case of cover lust. The Dream Protocol: Descent has a cover that borders somewhere between steampunk and whimsical, which makes my heart happy. Add in a synopsis that sounds...

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AUSGABE Anderes Format
ISBN 9780991215041
PREIS 7,49 $ (USD)

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