RE-Perspective Deborah Hay

Works from 1968 to the Present

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Erscheinungstermin 12.08.2019 | Archivierungsdatum 04.11.2019

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Zum Inhalt

What Pina Bausch was to the German dance scene, Deborah Hay is for the American one. Both are counted among the most influential representatives of postmodern dance. As a founding member of the New York-based Judson Dance Theater, a collective of dancers, composers, and visual artists, her approach was to use amateur dancers to create a formal vocabulary of everyday movements, generating new patterns of perception for audience and performer alike. Her choreographic praxis, along with the constant stream of publications about her methods form one of the pillars of the understanding of contemporary dance.
The choreographer and renowned dance historian Susan Leigh Foster selected previously unpublished materials from the Deborah Hay Archive, such as dance instructions, drawings, photographs, and correspondence; complemented by Hay’s own commentary as well as scientific classifications, this book is a multifaceted overview of her dance oeuvre from the 1960s to the present day.

DEBORAH HAY (*1941) worked with Merce Cunningham and toured the world with the Cunningham Dance Company in 1964. She has written four books describing her own experimental method for her practice of dance and choreography. In 2015 she was awarded the Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres.

Tanz im August (Dance in August), Berlin
August 9–31, 2019

DEBORAH HAY (*1941) worked with Merce Cunningham and toured the world with the Cunningham Dance Company in 1964. She has written four books describing her own experimental method for her practice of dance and choreography. In 2015 she was awarded the Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres.

What Pina Bausch was to the German dance scene, Deborah Hay is for the American one. Both are counted among the most influential representatives of postmodern dance. As a founding member of the New...

Eine Anmerkung des Verlags

Hrsg. HAU Hebbel am Ufer, University of the Arts Stockholm / University of the Arts Helsinki

Hrsg. HAU Hebbel am Ufer, University of the Arts Stockholm / University of the Arts Helsinki

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AUSGABE Anderes Format
ISBN 9783775746304
PREIS 39,36 $ (USD)