An Extraordinary Daughter

Torn between duty, dream and love

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Erscheinungstermin 05.12.2016 | Archivierungsdatum 08.03.2022

Zum Inhalt

It is the year 1848, the year of the revolution in Southern Germany. Eugenia, the well-protected daughter of a physician, falls in love with Matthias, the son of a peasant. But society does not accept their love.To save his family from starvation, Matthias starts to poach - which ends in disaster. Soon the revolution starts and Eugenia's life is thrown upside down. Can she still find her way to happiness?

It is the year 1848, the year of the revolution in Southern Germany. Eugenia, the well-protected daughter of a physician, falls in love with Matthias, the son of a peasant. But society does not...

Verfügbare Ausgaben

ISBN 9783941408753
PREIS 7,47 $ (USD)

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