The Prison Papers

A Companion to Prison Torture in America

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Erscheinungstermin 01.02.2019 | Archivierungsdatum 30.08.2019

Zum Inhalt

{German translation of this book will become available before the end of 2019]

A companion to Prison Torture in America, Prison Papers provides medical and administrative records, inmate correspondence and legal documents as proof of the testimonies and shocking tales described in Prison Torture in America.

As an experienced physician, Paul Singh, MD, DO, PhD, was stunned by the cruelty that inmates with physical and mental conditions endured. Denials for treatment, gross incompetence, deadly neglect, reckless infliction of pain, emotional deterioration, loss of limbs, and even death. His expose reveals the shocking truth about the violations of fundamental constitutional rights in the U.S. prison system, so egregious one might think the prisons were in countries with barbaric dictators where human rights do not exist.

Paul Singh is an American scientist, mathematician, philosopher, physician, historian and a professor of urogynecology. He is the author of several acclaimed works in the areas of science, philosophy, religion, history, politics and medicine.

{German translation of this book will become available before the end of 2019]

A companion to Prison Torture in America, Prison Papers provides medical and administrative records, inmate...

Verfügbare Ausgaben

AUSGABE Hardcover
ISBN 9781949454161
PREIS 65.99