Guilty at Gunpoint

How the Government Framed Me

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Erscheinungstermin 01.01.2019 | Archivierungsdatum 31.07.2019
Paul Singh | Science Literacy Books

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[Note: This book should be of special interest to the German people who take pride in the superiority of Germany's medical technology. Among many things described in the story is U.S FDA's fraudulent deception and disinformation about the German-made IUD to expel German medical device competition out of the U.S. marketplace. The German translation of this book will become available before the end of 2019]

When the author left India to flee a land filled with corruption, he chose America to make his home, a country he admired for its freedom and justice. Decades after his arrival, his idealistic vision of America died while being targeted and framed by the very government he trusted. Assured by the FDA  that the most widely used IUD in Europe was approved for use in the United States, he continued using it for two years while the FDA and DOJ tracked his every move to make a case against him for using the device. Singh knew nothing about this until a team of armed agents raided his office and expelled undressed female patients from their exam rooms. The FDA then fabricated documents, destroyed and suppressed evidence, intimidated witnesses, and coerced him into a plea deal by threatening to imprison his wife, as well, giving it two hours to sign it ... or else. 

Guilty at Gunpoint with its companion book, The Death of the Rule of Law are perfect books for law students and anyone interested in the way justice is administered in the United States.

[Note: This book should be of special interest to the German people who take pride in the superiority of Germany's medical technology. Among many things described in the story is U.S FDA's fraudulent...

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ISBN 9780997054187
PREIS 24,99 $ (USD)