The Prison Torture in America

Shocking Tales from the Inside

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Erscheinungstermin 01.02.2019 | Archivierungsdatum 25.07.2019
Paul Singh | Science Literacy Books

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[NOTE: This book is just released. Its German translation will become available before the end of 2019. The book's english version is being published on Netgalley because it deals with an enduring public interest.]

DESC: Sharing experiences of 15 inmates and their battle for care, the author uncovers the truth about capital punishment and what goes on in our prison system. As an experienced physician, Paul Singh, MD, DO, Ph.D., was stunned by the cruelty endured with physical and mental conditions. Denials for treatment, gross incompetence, deadly neglect, reckless infliction of pain and falsified medical records, produced life-threatening conditions, emotional deterioration, loss of limbs, and even death. His exposé reveals the shocking truth about the violations of fundamental constitutional rights in our prison system, so egregious one might think the prisons were in countries with barbaric dictators where basic human rights do not exist.

Paul Singh is an American scientist, biochemist, mathematician, surgeon-physician and professor of urogynecology. He is the founder president of Singh Global Initiatives, a philanthropic organization that promotes health and science education worldwide. His lifelong passion is bringing scientific literacy to the public for the benefit of humanity and alleviating suffering caused by poverty, disease, and incurable illnesses. He is the author of several critically acclaimed works of investigation in the areas of science, philosophy, religion, politics and medicine. Among his books are, Discovering Our World, The Great Illusion, The Seduction of Religion, Prison Papers, The Death of the Rule of Law and Guilty at Gunpoint. He lives in Menlo Park, California.

[NOTE: This book is just released. Its German translation will become available before the end of 2019. The book's english version is being published on Netgalley because it deals with an enduring...

Eine Anmerkung des Verlags

German translation of this book will become available before the end of 2019.

German translation of this book will become available before the end of 2019.


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Science Literacy Books will have its own booth at Frankfurt Book Trade Fare on October 16-21, 2019

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Science Literacy Books will have its own booth at Frankfurt Book Trade Fare on October 16-21, 2019

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ISBN 9781949454048
PREIS 74,95 $ (USD)